How are you Inspiring Change?

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 8 is International Women's Day around the world.
This year's theme is Inspiring Change.  

I believe that women are the foundation of life and the world.  Each of us came through the labor pains of a woman, yet around the world, we continuously fight and push for significant change and attitudinal shift in society's thoughts about women's equality and emancipation.  Have we come a long way from the 1900's suffrage movement?  Yes.  However, women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally education, health and the violence against women is worse than that of men.

In certain regions of the world, a woman is not permitted to receive an education, cannot own property, and many are still dying during childbirth due to the lack of skilled healthcare during childbirth.  Amidst these systematic forms of oppression, we are educators, medical professionals, CEO's, homemakers, Nobel Prize Laureates, presidents of nations, athletes, architects, activists/advocates, changemakers,  journalists, writers, poets, religious leaders, legislators, serve in the military, entertainers, artists, community leaders, mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends.  

We continue to break gender barriers or glass ceilings!  In the US, the rate of women enrolled in college immediately after high school rose to 71% in 2012, compared to 61% for young men.  African American enrollment for women rose to 69%, leaving a 12% gap between them and their male counterparts.  In the words oBeyoncé, Who run the World? Well, women are making it happen. 

So, it's your turn.  What are YOU doing to inspire change?   
Hey, women aren't perfect. Sometimes, an N goes missing ;-)
Celebrate the accomplishments on women around the world on March 8 and everyday!  

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